Monday, August 3, 2015

Just Saying . . . . .

I CRAVE God!!!  I don’t have a hunger, because you can satisfy a hunger!  And I don’t have a thirst, because you can satisfy a thirst!  Instead, I do have a CRAVING that is only getting worse, because just as it is with a physical craving, when you eat one thing trying to satisfy that craving, you end up only making it worse.  The more I study the Bible, the more I spend time in God getting to know Him, the more I crave Him!

And I didn’t “find” God, I’ve always known Him.   I don’t “believe” in God, or Christ, because I KNOW them.  To say I believe isn’t as solid, immovable, and unshakable as knowing God!   There is NO DOUBT for me.  There NEVER has been.  I KNOW that there IS a God.  I KNOW that Jesus WAS God’s Son and therefore, God in the physical.  I KNOW that because of Jesus’s death I now have full access to God and His Truth, not because I’m “chosen”, “ordained” or “special” in any way, but simply because I ACCEPT that Jesus died so that I could have it.

I am happiest when I surrender my will to God.  I’m the most peaceful when I surrender everything I think I know and understand about the scriptures, life, and right and wrong to Him and ask Him to prove me wrong so that I can do what is His Will for me to do.   And I feel the closest to God when I tell others about what He has taught me about His Truth as to who I really am in and through Him, and who He really is.
I don’t READ the Bible.  I don’t MEMORIZE only those scriptures that appeal to my vanity so that I can set myself above others to look down and judge who is worthy and who isn’t, thereby declaring myself equal to God.  I STUDY the Bible to KNOW God, surrendering over and over again to Him everything I think I understand until I am filled with God’s peace that I finally do understand what God wants me to know. 

I am no longer AFRAID of DEATH, because I KNOW that it will only be then that I will be made fully WHOLE, having God’s full wisdom and finally having that craving sated.  Just as I am no longer AFRAID to LIVE, eagerly waiting to see what God’s plan is for me and how He plans to use me.
I surrender all of my will, all of my plans, all of my understanding, all of my wants to God. 

Thank you God, for everything you are, and for everything that Jesus’ death means for me.  Thank you for everything I have because of everything You are and everything that Christ did.  Thank you for receiving me and using me in all of my imperfection.  You are my God!  Glory be to You!

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