Saturday, August 8, 2015

Really! That's All It Is!!!

Good Morning!  How are you today?  Things are starting to get back into a normal routine here . . .finally lol.  My hubby has finally been given  the go ahead by his back surgeon to start physical therapy . . .YAY!  And I got a new coffee maker . . . .YAY!! As you know, I have to have my coffee. LOL

I know my last post was kind of intense, but for me, I needed to do it, because like I've shared in a couple of past blogs, the devil will start throwing junk at you to try and steal your faith.  He's really bad about it when you make a decision to move deeper into your relationship with God.  And so, by posting what I did, I was just standing my ground about the devil's little temper-tantrum.

I wonder if you guys truly understand the truth about the whole God vs devil thing.  And I'm not talking about what religious Christians would have you believe.   It is not a case of  "he who has the most souls when the world ends wins" garbage!!!  Because, contrary to what they say, the devil doesn't give a rat's rear-end if he gets our souls after we die!!!  At that point we're useless to him.

Instead he wants us alive so he can use us for his real purpose, and that is to spite God and try to keep Him from having what He wants, which is a relationship with us. All the devil is, is a spiteful little brat who is trying to get back at "daddy" for not letting him have what he wants.

And in case you didn't know the story, basically it goes like this . . . .the devil was one of God's arch-angels (these are the angels that not only had God's supernaturally abilities, but they, unlike the regular angels, have free-will).  His name then was Lucifer.

Well "Luci" boy forgot who he actually was and began having delusions of grandeur . . . meaning he began to think of himself as a god, forgetting that he was created by the real God and that he didn't just magically create himself.   And he wanted to be worshiped like a god and to actually control heaven, so he started causing all kinds of trouble.  He even went so far as to sneak down here and started not only having sex with human women, but started appearing to men and telling them he was a god.

Well, God, being the true God, did what most fathers would do, he told "ole Luci boy" that he could either straighten his act out or go to his room until he decided to follow the rules, and kicked "Luci"boy out of heaven and into the special room God created for him . . . . we know it as hell.  (And God also gave the group of arch-angels that had been following Lucifer around doing his bidding the choice to straighten up or accompany "ole Luci boy" to hell and become his servants for eternity.  At which point, some of them changed their ways and the rest ended up serving as the devil's evil little minions.)

So, to put the whole thing in perspective, it's a grudge match with all of the grudge being the devil's.

And you might be thinking, well what good does it do to take my walk any farther with God, or even choose to have a relationship with Him at all if I'm only going to get caught in the middle?  Because, whether you choose to have a relationship with God or not, the devil will still come at you just to spite God.

Having a relationship with God gives you everything you need to defeat the devil.  And I don't know about you, but I love being able to pull the rug out from under the devil's feet and knocking him off of his self-made pedestal!  *insert ornery grin here*

Until next time . . . .

Stay safe!

Love ya!

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