Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Oooh! Another Trick Exposed!

Good Morning!!  How are you today?  I hope this is finding you well, and happy!  Things are going better here, in fact it gets better a little more everyday.  I've got my cup of coffee, and looking around my room and realizing just how badly I need to dust LOL.  Ugh, right?

Got some good news the other day that I want to share . . . . Grand-baby number five is on the way!!!!  First of all, let me say this right now . . .my bet is that it's a girl!!!  And the really cool thing is that she's due just five days after her momma's birthday!!!!!  I Can't Wait!!!!!!

The last time I shared with you all, I shared something God had been working hard to teach me, which is the truth about who the devil really is and what he really wants.  Because, like I've said before, when you know the truth about the devil and his lies, along with his tricks, then he begins to lose power.  Much like that bully in your life, that once you figured out why they were/are doing what they were/are doing, then they began to lose power over you.

And you know how I said that his main goal is not to end up with our souls when we die, but to use us to spite God by messing with us while we're alive to try and keep us from having a relationship with God?

Did you notice how that is contrary to what Religion teaches?  Have you figured out why yet?  Can I tell you?  It's because the devil has gotten into religion and twisted the heart of it with lies.  After all, what better way to get back at God for not letting the devil have what he wanted then to twist the very thing that was supposed to guide us to God, into something that tells us over and over that we will NEVER be good enough.  Or that the only way we can get to heaven is to hate someone else for some reason.

One of the ways he does this is by convincing Christians to only read a portion of what was being said and then quote it as a whole, to take it out of context.  And then he also throws vanity into it, and I don't mean the kind of vanity that involves looks, I'm talking about the kind where someone needs to be right all of the time in order to feel they have any value.  The devil will push us to be so afraid to be wrong about what we believe in these scriptures that we've picked and chosen to sate this vain need to be right, that we will refuse to read the scriptures in their entirety to make sure that we're are truly getting the full message.  He also uses that fear to keep us from actually studying the scriptures for fear of finding out that we are wrong.

If you're wondering if this is true, try it for yourself.  Pick a scripture that you're curious about and look it up.  But don't just read the single scripture, read several of the verses before and after and watch what happens.  You will notice that the scripture ends up meaning something other then what it first appeared to mean.  And if you need any help understanding what you're doing, please email me at fiestyblue62@hotmail.com, I'll walk you through it.

I think it's time we start tearing away all of the lies this bully, the devil, is hiding behind and expose him for who he really is.  Don't you?

In the meantime . . .

Have a great day!

Stay safe!

Love you guys!

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