Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Still amazed!!!

Good afternoon.  How are you today?  I hope your day is going smoothly!  I'm having a kind of slow day today.  It's quiet, uneventful, and actually kind of peaceful around here today.

It's amazing how God works sometimes!!!!!  Especially when you surrender you need to be right about something and instead ask God to show you if you're wrong.  When you say to Him, "Okay God, I thought I knew that I was doing the right thing, thinking the right thing, but now I'm not sure if I am.  If I'm wrong, God, show me so I can do and think the right thing."

That's just what I did a few days ago, and I got an answer that I couldn't miss.

I don't know if I've mentioned before that we home-school our twins, but we do.  We didn't start from the beginning, they went to public school till the end of third grade.  That's when we pulled them out, and we did so because we believed we could do better.

So, we prayed and asked God what was the right thing to do.  And after we were filled with peace about it, we pulled them out and started homeschooling.

But recently some people have been telling  me that I'm doing the wrong thing, because of the whole social issue, and that the boys were never going to learn how to develop social skills if I didn't put them back into public school.  And since these were people that I respected, it caused me to doubt.

So, I went to God again, and I asked Him to show me if I was wrong, because I know He knows what is best for my sons, and I want to do His Will for them.  I told Him that I didn't care about anything else but what He wanted for them, and if He showed me that they did need to go back to public school that I could do what was His will.

Then yesterday, I was listening to a Bible teacher that I really admire for her deep, personal relationship with God.  Her name is Joyce Meyer.  But, as I was saying, I was listening to her podcast on iTunes about "Defeating Giants", and in the first few minutes of listening to part one she mentioned homeschooling.  In all the times I've listened to her she has never mentioned homeschooling before!!!!  Never!  And believe me, I have several of her teachings, books, devotionals and so on. 

This time though, she was talking about when you believe that God has guided you to do something and you decide to do it, no matter what it is, "say it's homeschooling . . . . "

I had told God that if I was wrong about homeschooling the boys to show me so that I could do what He wanted me to do, and He answered my prayer!!!!  He made it very clear so that I could not misunderstand - I was to continuing homeschooling the boys, resist the devil when he uses other people to try to get me to do something other than what I believed God wanted, and leave the rest to Him!!

All of this guilt and condemnation that I was feeling because the devil used these other people telling me that I was wrong, was gone!!  And I am filled with peace once again.  I'm so relieved!!! Thank you God for your truth!!!!!!

And thank you for letting me share this with you.

Talk to you soon.

Stay Safe!!!

Love ya.

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