Monday, July 20, 2015

Ok, So She Didn't . . .

. . . fall off of the planet!! 
Hello!  I know it's been a couple of months since my last post.  And I will be honest, I was beginning to question whether I was on the right path with this blog. As I have said before, I believed God had pushed me to start sharing with you all of the things He's taught me so that others could know Him and His truths as I do.

So, I did.  But as it is anytime you choose to move forward with anything that you believe God wants you to do, the enemy came against me hard, something that I've explained in other posts about how he'll do.  And since I'm human, I fell for it, hook, line, and sinker!

But that's the amazing thing about God, it doesn't matter to Him how human we are, it matters to Him how deep and rich our relationship with Him is.  We don't have to be "perfect" because of His greatness and goodness, He will meet us in our imperfection and make us "perfect" in it.

Every time that the enemy has come against me during the "quiet time" in my blogging, God put something in my path that would point me back to what He'd originally pushed me to do.  Validation after validation that I was on the right path would come to me through scripture, or through a spiritual leader that I greatly respect.

My favorite part of this all would have to be the "Neon" signs that God would plant in front of me saying, "Here's the answer!" 

Seriously folks!!!  If they had been actual signs, they would have been as big as a house and in bright neon lights!!!!  LOL

So, I'm back and I plan on continuing on taking this blog on the path I know God wants it to go.  And I'm believing & trusting in, relying & leaning on God to take this where it needs to go and accomplish what He needs it to accomplish.

I love you all, and I hope that you will keep "tuning in" to see where this goes.  I just know that when I'm sharing with you, I'm at my most peaceful.

Love you guys,
Stay Safe!

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