Friday, April 3, 2015

Hee Hee Hee Hee . . . .

Good Morning!  How are you today?  As usual I won't complain, someday I'll have to explain why I always post something positive here and it's not because by nature I'm an upbeat person lol, but I have my coffee and my hubby has a four-day-weekend, so I will consider that good!

Have you ever had something, out of the blue and from a source that you would never expect, validate you in some way?

For the last few years I've gotten a lot of crap, some from family members, over the fact that I, my husband, and children don't attend church.  And I usually get the same garbage over and over, "Well!  You can't really call yourself a Christian then can you?"  And it's always from someone whom I would call a "Religious Christian". 

You  know the ones I'm talking about right?  They're the ones that Jesus was talking about in Matthew 6 who put on their fine robes (wear all their religious jewelry, and shirts with those graphics on them proclaiming they're a Christian while they drive their cars with all the religious bumper stickers) and preach on the street corners so that they can be seen by men and be talked about how "holy" they are.  Jesus also said they were the ones that do their good works for everyone to see, again so they can be thought of as "holy" by men.  (You ought to go read the whole thing so you can see what Jesus said about how God feels about them. I like the Living Bible Version the best.)

I found it extremely validating and ironic that one of these very same "holy" Christians that condemned me was just gushing about how great of a Christian Bono, from the lead singer for the band U2, is.  "Now we know why he (Bono) has been so blessed and successful, he's a true Christian," as they shared on their social media page an interview Bono had done talking about his faith.

In the interview, he talked about his beliefs and how if he and his family went to church, it was AFTER church was finished (meaning services were over) and it would just be themselves and God in the building.  He also talked about how when he and his family pray and study the bible - and he said study not read - they all pile on the bed. 

He and his family worship God, the same way I and my family worship.  He, his family and his band all belief as I and my family.  And Bono also uses what the world calls swear words, - sometime I'll have to explain what God showed me about that- just like I do.  And yet the "holy" Christians say he's a great Christian, a real spiritual person.

Needless to say, I feel validated on my beliefs, - they think I'm a great Christian too, and that's what they truly meant to say! *wink, wink*

Thank you God, it's truly amazing how you work sometimes!

Until next time. . .

Stay safe!

Love you!!!


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