Tuesday, March 31, 2015

So That's Another One!

Good Morning!!  How have you all been since the last time we talked?  I know.  It's been longer than normal since my last post, but I promise it was for a good reason, my grand-baby came to visit.  And there is nothing better than listening to kids laugh.  It does the spirit good.

I noticed that there have been a lot of people who have only read the first part of my two-part post called, "The Eye Opener".  I encourage you to read the second half if you haven't, because it reveals how God taught me to see myself as He sees me.  It might help you understand why I share the things I do.  And I hope it help you see yourself differently.  And it was such a turning point in my life that I now have a tattoo on my wrist -- the only tattoo that I have I might add, lol.

That's why I share the things I do, because I was so miserable that at one point in my life I truly didn't care whether I lived or died.  Honestly, I thought about dying every day.  The only thing that stopped me was the fact that I was so afraid of losing my last chance at knowing love, because I believed that if I did, God would never forgive me.

Trust me,  at that point of my life, you could almost hear the party that the devil was throwing to celebrate.  He was a happy camper right then.

Like I've said before, that's his one goal in his miserable existence, to make us miserable so that we won't turn to God, or can't believe God would want us, forgive us, or love us.  He causes us to be rejected, bullied, and abused.  He causes us to fail, or to only see ourselves as failures.  He loves to put the grayest and gloomiest glasses on us, that only allows us to see the worst.

But that's NOT who God is, or what He does.  And the devil doesn't want you to realize that, he wants you to believe the worst about God.  And if he keeps you believing the worst about yourself, then it's easier for him to make you believe the worst about God.

Want to do an experiment?  Today, every time something negative happens, take a second, and whisper - just whisper- "Give it up devil.  I choose not to believe your lies about this."  Then, wait to see what happens.

I can tell you what will probably happen.  The first thing, you'll probably get some peace, along with something positive happening.  But then almost immediately afterwards, the devil will come against you again.  After all, he's a spiteful and jealous little brat.  And we all know how people like that can be, sometimes they need you to "stick to your guns" before they finally get the message.

So, when the devil comes against you again, just do the same thing again.  Kind of like in a video game when you keep attacking the enemy, their health bar/power bar will decrease while you become  more powerful.  It's the same thing when you stand your ground against the little brat, the devil, he loses power.  And you open a crack for God to move through.

Sometimes though, we have to learn the truth about the devil before we can learn God's Truth.  We have to learn to see the devil's lies before can see past them to the truth.   Because when you become aware of just how the devil works, and of his lies, then the illusion fades and you can see the wall.  Then the cracks in the wall become visible.  It isn't long after that, that you realize that you can see through those cracks to the other side.  

And just one of those cracks is all God needs.  Just one!  Then He can start showing you His truth, along with revealing to you, your truth as He knows it.

That's why I share, because if I can help one of you find this out even soon than I did,  then cool - I'm glad.

Love you guys!

Stay safe!!

Talk to you soon.

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