Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Oooooo. . . Another Secret!

Good Morning!!  Sorry that it's been a while.  But things seem to be slowing down and smoothing out around here, so I thought I'd give you a shout and let you know that I haven't forgot about you all.

I've been sitting here thinking about what I could share with you. . . .maybe about how God made two huge sacrifices to have a relationship with us. . . . or what God looks like . . . .but I decided that today was a good day to share something that God taught me that took away a lot of guilt and condemnation.

Shhhhhh!  Don't tell Religion, but it has it all wrong on this too!!!

Shit, Damn, Fuck and all those other "cuss", "swear", "curse" words that Religion says are a sin, are only a sin if you are using them to spew hate, or verbal violence at another person.

What?!?!?! How can that be?!?!?!   Lol!  I can hear all of the religious, legalistic hackles going up from here.  Ooooooo baby are they ever bristling over that one.

For years I lived under guilt because I can swear to the point even a sailor would blush.  And of course, the religious community would tell me that I'm not a good enough Christian because of it.  So, after years of just begging God to forgive me, I started asking Him to not just forgive me, but to show me His Truth.

See that's when stuff starts happening, when you ask God to reveal His Truth to you.  But don't ask, unless you have the guts to be shown you're wrong, because that's the only way it will work.  He knows your heart, so you can tell Him, but unless you surrender your will, give up your vanity about having to be "right", He will withhold His Truth because  . . . . simply put . . . .why waste His "breath" if you're not ready to really listen.

How many times have you had someone you knew who would come to you asking for your advice to solve their problem, but then they totally ignored what you said and went ahead and did things their way because they're convinced you're wrong and they're way is the only right one?  Eventually you just don't bother any more  . . . .Right?   Well that's how it is with God!  He's going to wait until  you're ready to listen.

So, I surrendered my pride, and ask God to reveal His Truth to me.  And then I reread the scriptures, and that's when God gave me an image of a religious, legalistic Christian and they're looking around to see if anyone, and if so, who is watching . . .kind of like the person Jesus was talking about in Matthew 6 so others could see him . . .  as they talk to another person.  And as this "Christian" is talking to this other person, they told them, "You're such a "flower" in my life.  Thank you for that."

Then I got that still, small, quiet  voice that asked, (you know that same one that will tell you from time to time that you should or shouldn't do something), "Flower seems like a harmless word, right?  Not if the person who said it was actually using it as a way to disguise their hate and disgust with the person they were talking to.  That's when it's a sin!  That's what gets written down, not the word, but what was in their heart."

Then as I was still turning it all over in my head, I was given the image of my husband and I when we are teasing and tormenting each other being smart-asses back and forth with each other, and he gets the better of me.

That still, small voice asked again, "What is it you usually tell him?"  I actually caught myself answering out-loud, "I usually tell him 'fuck you'."

Again that still, small voice, asked, "Do you hate him? Do you wish him harm?  Do you hold any hard feelings against him?"

"No," I said, again out-loud, and rather emphatically, which was immediately followed by that same small voice that said, "Then it doesn't get written down, because it's not a sin.  You're just not wanting to admit he got the better of you."

That's when it all became unmovable, I knew that I knew, it is not what words you use, it is how you mean them and what you truthfully have in your heart when you say them that turns them into foul language, swear words and cursing. That is God's Truth!

Hope that clears that up, a little any way, lol.

Do me, and yourself, a favor today, find one positive and encouraging thing to say about today, yourself, and someone else.  Tear down one negative thought today and replace it with something positive.  After all, isn't there enough negative going on in the world?  What's going to hurt?

Love you all!

Stay safe!

Till next time.

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