Monday, January 31, 2011

Just Gotta Share

Good Morning!  How are you this morning?  Me?  I'm pretty good.

For those of you who are uncomfortable when someone talks about God, for whatever reason you may have, please know that I'm not the type of Christian that's going to preach at you.  Or beat you over the head about how you need to be "saved".

I don't agree with that, and some day I'll explain why, but right now what's important is to know that on those days when I write about my faith, or an experience I just had "with" God, know that it's a case of, "Oh Man!! Guess what happened!! Oh Wow!! You're not going to believe this!!!", kind of thing.

You know, the kind of thing where you've gotten some REALLLLLLY good news, and you just want to tell the world.

Like when you buy your first house.  Or you asked that special someone to marry you and they said yes! And when, after all those years of trying, you and your spouse are finally pregnant. How about when you finally get that promotion at work? Don't you just want to tell every person you know?  You get on Facebook and post about it. You just want to stand on the top of the highest building and scream it out.  Or buy everyone a drink.

Thats the case when I write about an experience with God.  I've had a break-through of some sort and I'm so excited I just HAVE  to tell someone!

On those days, I hope you will read and know that the only thing that I expect is that you'll share in my excitement and be happy for me.  That's all.

And as you already know, when you tell someone else your good news, it starts to grow.  And the more people who share in it, it goes from being good to great.  Then from great to fantastic.  Then from fantastic to awesome.  And so on.  It just keeps growing till you are walking on the clouds for what seems like forever.

That's all I'm hoping for on those days, that you'll read and "share" with me and help my good news grow till it goes from good to awesome and beyond.

Love you all!!
Thanks for listening!!

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