Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My first blog. . .

Well, I've been wanting to do this for a while, what with being from a long line of smart-alacks and having twin boys who are following in the family tradition with an even sharper wit then their mother.  Plus having my own twisted/warped way of looking at things.  Then there's the fact I'm just a little on the outspoken side, it seemed like a natural course to take lolol.  Now whether anyone who reads this agrees . . . . lolol we'll see lololol.

With that said lololol, here's a cute antidote to leave you with.  Hopefully, if you're having a bad day today, or having a little trouble getting in the spirit of Christmas, this will give you a smile.  And maybe a warm feeling.

My sons are identical twins, and 10 yrs old.  They still believe in Santa, yep they're 10 yrs old and still believe in Jolly Ole St. Nick.  I love and thoroughly enjoy that innocence in them.  Today they spent the entire day singing the song, "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow" with the deep belief that the Christmas Magic would hear and cause it to snow.  Yes, I'm now a stout believer in the magic of a child's belief.  As I write this, it has snowed enough in the last couple of hours that the roads on post are already red.  There's only one color left till post is closed, and that's black. 

Yeah, I'm a believer now too.

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