Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Love Story

Most of us have had that one special pet, our best-friend, who never judged us, but only loved us unconditionally.  The one animal that you swore was an Angel in disguise.
Some of us are especially lucky to have that growing up, during that time in our lives when we need someone we can confide in when our hearts are broken.   When it feels like no one else can possibly understand.

Those pets are so special.  That time is wonderful.  And they leave a hole in our lives.
But when you’re the parent, and you get to experience that kind of bond between your child and their pet, it’s an entirely bigger thing.  Your own experience pales in comparison.  The wonder and joy you get from their relationship is so much more affecting! 

I had that pet growing up, Pinky, a female Pekingese.  But my time with her fades after seeing my daughter Kate with Rassy, her black lab.
Rassy was supposed to be a family pet.  But from that very first day he came to live with us, he was Katie’s dog, and she was his girl. Don’t get me wrong, he loved us all, but he only shone for Kate.  Literally, he would beam for her.   And she was at her best for him. 

He got her through all those years, when we were being told she was a problem child, before she was correctly diagnosed as being in the Autism Spectrum.  He gave her the love and understanding that she needed until we could give it ourselves.  He knew her long before we got to know the truth about her.  He gave her peace when her disorder and our not knowing only caused her grieve and self-doubt. 
When he was stolen, for the three months until we got him back, my heart ached because of the pain Katie was in.  So did his, when we got him back he was so skinny, and I was told he had been refusing to eat.  He was 2 years old, almost 3 and Katie was 11. 

If we had had any doubts before that all happened about their bond, there were none afterwards.
He was and extraordinary dog.  But he was extraordinary for Katie, because of Katie, because of their love.  He learned to catch a ball, because she wanted him too.  He learned to sit and wait until she released him from the stay command, even though his favorite treat was laying on the floor eight-feet away, because it was what Katie wanted.  He taught himself to play tag, so he could play with her.  He would lie still while she clipped his nails, not shake after his bath until she told him, and would stay right with her as she walked without the need of a leash.  All because it was what she wanted.

I have no doubt, if he believed Katie was in danger, he would have put himself between her and the danger.  In other words, he would have taken a bullet for her without hesitation.  And I have no doubt that she would have done the same thing.
I had Pinky, but it was nothing compared to the love story that was Katie & Rassy. Their story will always be an “epic love story” in the history of our family.  And yes, in case you noticed, I’m forced to say “was” in all of this telling, for Rassy left us yesterday after 13 wonderful years. 

We will miss the “Old Man”.

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