Friday, March 20, 2015

The Eye Opener . . Part 1

Good Morning!  How’s things in your little piece of the planet?  They’re good here.  Yep – I do have my cup of coffee. Lol  I’m kind of predictable that way, though my family would call me a coffee addict lol.  I’m not that bad, it’s more of a comforting routine.  I have a cup while I study my Bible, and I have a cup while I write to you.  And that’s usually it.  Sometimes on payday I’ll have another cup while I figure out bills and such.

Last time I told you that I would tell you about how God taught me to see me as He sees me.  And I’d really, really like to share that with you, but I'm going to break it up over two posts so it will be easier to read, so here goes. . . .

Let’s start with a little clarification on my part. 

I told you that the devil will throw things at you to try to steal your faith, and that one of the ways could be sexual abuse.  And I know this because he used it against me.  

As a child I was molested by both men and women, some of them extended family members, the rest babysitters, or the family members of babysitters or friends. And the cycle continued on into adulthood, which is usually called rape at that stage of life.  But because I learned at a young age that the less that I fought, the less it would hurt, as an adult I didn’t looked like the TV and movie version of a  rape victim.  But regardless of whether or not I was bruised and bloody, when a person is not given a choice as to whether they participate in the sexual act, it is rape. 

It took me years of counseling, over four to be exact, to learn that.  But even with the counseling, I still believed deep down inside that I was unlovable, undesirable, and even to God.  That’s one of the things that sexual abuse trains you to believe, that you are not valuable.  That your feelings, physical safety, and especially your sexual safety is of no value, and that the only thing that matters is the abuser’s needs.

And that’s exactly what the devil was trying to do, cause all of those feelings in me to make it harder to have faith in God.  Think about it, when you have negative feelings about yourself, are you going to believe that God loves you?  No, you don’t.  

I never stopped believing in God, I never lost my faith, just my faith in my value to God.  I truly believed that there was something wrong with me that caused all those people to hurt me, and that whatever was wrong with me would keep God from thinking I was good enough for Him.

And with that explained I’ll jump to 1993, right after Thanksgiving.  I hadn’t met my husband yet, so, I was still dating, and around this time I started dating a guy, let’s call him “K”.  He was a kind man with a good heart, but he had his own scars from his own childhood sexual abuse.  Which ended up playing a big role in his leaving me for a woman who was an abusive person herself.  But, while we were together though, he ended up being able to heal some of the sexual abuse scars that I had.  He put a lot of time and effort into convincing me that I NEVER had to let anyone take sex from me again because my feelings, my needs in that area DID  MATTER and had VALUE!

By the spring of 1994 though, our relationship started falling apart.  He had met the other woman, and she was very adept at playing on his own scars to convince him he was better off with her.  But because of what “K" had done for me, I became so desperate to not lose him that I begged for God to cause “K” to come back.  I couldn’t believe that I would ever find someone else who would ever love me like that again.

And when God didn’t answer my prayer, I lost it.  I drove to a secluded part of the park, got out of my car and started screaming at God. (I didn’t know it at the time but it was because He knew He had someone better planned for me.)  I called Him every dirty name in the book, told Him that I hated Him, and I questioned Him as to what good was it to believe in Him.  Every hateful thing I had verbally, I used.  Every bit of hurt, fear, and disappointment came out in the ugliest of words.

But then, as the energy of my feelings started to die out, I started to feel guilty and I started thinking, “Oh man!  God’s never going to forgive me now!  I’m going to hell. I have committed the worst of sins, I blasphemed God,” along with every other version of that guilt that I could imagine. 

I started sobbing and begging God to forgive me.

Every time I would pray and beg God to forgive me, he would put the same Bible verses from Luke in front of me. 

He would put someone in my path who would tell me to read those scriptures, or He would put the need in me that would cause me to pick up the right devotional and turn to the correct page.  And on those Sundays that I didn’t have to work and was able to go to church, the preacher would mention those verses.  

And I caught on to the “coincidence” of all this, I just wasn’t getting the message.  This went on for over two years.  Yep, it took me that long to finally get the message.  Hey! I admit it, I can be slow sometimes, but at least I do catch on . . . eventually! LOL

Anyway . . . . 

We will stop here for a brief intermission during our story.  Stay tuned.  The second half is coming right up. . . I promise!

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