Thursday, March 26, 2015

Two Small Questions

Good Morning!  How are you today?  I’m hoping the rain will stop before we have to move some furniture tonight.

I have to be honest, I’m not sure what to write about today. 

There’s a lot that I want to share with you, especially since I seem to have finally found my niche.  For years I have wanted to write, to get something out and onto paper.  I’ve tried writing poetry, stories, or even just my thoughts about stuff, but yet nothing ever flowed.

Even when I started this blog, I was doing it to fulfill that need to write about something.  But yet, I could never find a subject matter to stick with.

Then towards the end of last year, I reached a point in my life after having just learned about the Gifts of the Spirit, where I started asking God, “What’s your purpose for me?  What is my gift?”  I truly didn’t have a clue, even though, like I wrote about in my posts, “The Eye Opener Parts 1 & 2”, God had already taught me how He seen me, I still didn’t know my purpose in life.

And be prepared, because when you ask God those two questions He will start revealing to you everything that you are ready to receive in a way that the only words I can think of to describe it are; avalanche, suddenly being able to see, pulling back the curtain  . . .  phrases like that.

After uttering those words to God, now I totally get what John Newton meant in the first verse of his hymn, “Amazing Grace” when he said, “. . . I once was lost but now am found, was blind, but now, I see.”  Because it’s just like that.  When you get to the place where you need to be in your faith, God takes the blinders off and reveals to you His Truth!  He will even cause you to be able to look back and see how everything has lead up to this moment, like dominoes falling one after another to form a pattern or path that got you to where you are.  He’ll cause you to understand things you couldn’t understand before.

And now my blinders are off!  I can look back and see how I have always been able to help people understand, or look at things in a way that helps them.  I have always been able to study the Bible successfully when I couldn’t study anything else without becoming discouraged and overwhelmed.

Then in January, I was still asking God what my purpose was (He had revealed to me what my gifts were – I just didn’t know what I was supposed to do with them), and suddenly I started having almost violent physical reactions when someone who was supposed to be a Christian quoted the Bible wrong.  I would start shaking, hard, and get very sick to my stomach.  I would also be overwhelmed by an urge to just sob uncontrollably.   My heart would race so hard that you would have thought I had been running for my life.

One morning after it happened, I prayed and asked God why it was happening and to reveal to me His Truth about what was going on.  That’s when my blog took a whole different track. 

To say I had an urge to start sharing everything God had taught me, is an understatement!  It was so strong, pushed would be a better word to use then to call it an urge.  I felt pushed.

Now there’s no end to the things I want to share with you that I have to stop myself from posting several times a day.  And there’s no thought to any of it, it just flows, like water from a faucet.

I asked God two small questions, a total of nine words, now look where I am.  And yet, I’ve never felt totally fulfilled before this.  Isn’t it fascinating how He’ll work sometimes?  Definitely never boring!!!

Till next time,

Stay Safe!!

Love ya!!

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