Sunday, March 15, 2015


Good Afternoon!  Hope you're having a wonderful day.  Mine has not been too bad so far.  My sweet hubby let me sleep in today and our youngest Grand-baby, "Monkey" - as he is affectionately nicknamed, turns the big 1.  Happy Birthday Monkey!!

Have you ever had a craving and couldn't satisfy it?  You know, the kind that keeps you eating different things, but yet nothing seems to be what you are looking for.  And then everything you try just seems to make the craving worse.

And it's a craving, not hunger.  And you know this because hunger is something that you can satisfy.  Your stomach growls, churns and you know it's empty, and so, you eat and that all goes away.   It's easy.

That's part of the reason my post have been on the track that they have been.  I've always had a craving for God.  And it's a craving, not a hunger.  Because when I study the Bible, read my devotionals or anything that helps me get to know God, it makes me want to know Him even more.

It's been that way from my earliest childhood memory.

I can remember being in first grade, which would have put me around six years of age, and going downstairs to the basement of the house we had then, just to be close to God.  I know that sounds weird, why the basement?  Well, it's because the basement had an entrance from outside that kind of looked like an old cellar entrance, we never used it, but it would allow me some seclusion.  It was dark, and quiet, and I knew that no one would come down there because no one else liked that part of the basement.

But even then, I had such a desire to be close to God, that even being a little girl, I would feel closest to Him in the dark, cobweb-filled space. I would close my eyes, quiet my heart and mind, and just open myself up to Him.  I never felt scared down there with the spiders, in the dark, by myself.  I never felt alone.

I think a big part of my "craving" started when some time before, my great-grandfather, who was well over 6 feet tall, told me that I was lucky.  And when I asked him why, he told me that it was because God loved me so much that He caused my birthday to be close to Jesus' birthday.   And when I asked him how he knew that, he looked around like he was telling me a very important secret that no one else was supposed to hear and said, "Because, my birthday is the day before Jesus' birthday."

And when he said that he stood up, and I remember looking up at him from where I was sitting on the ground and it looked like his head was literally in the clouds.  And my child mind instantly took that to mean that Grandpa had to know what he was talking about, because his ears were so close to heaven.

As Grandpa turned to walk away, he smiled, something you didn't see too often, which of course made it seem like an even bigger deal to my little mind and heart.

As I tell this to you, the thought just crossed my mind, I wonder if he knew what he was doing?  I wonder if he had any idea that by just trying to introduce a little girl to God and make her feel loved, he would create such a need for me to know God deeper, that the only way to describe it would be . . . . . . a craving.

Thanks for dropping by and letting me share.  Now I think my day is going to be even better, because just sharing with you that moment I had with my Grandpa all those years ago, has brought back that warm, innocent wonder that I had at that moment.

So, again, Thank You for helping me bring that all back.

Stay safe until next time.

Love you!

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