Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Uh Oh! She's Back. LOL

Good Morning!  How are things with you today?  Yep!  I'm still around. . . . I didn't fall off the planet. LOL!  Sorry about that.  It was like I lost my focus for a little bit. Every time I would start to write, something would happen to cause me to totally lose my train-of-thought and then I couldn't find my way back to it.

But remember how I said that the devil doesn't want you to know the truth about how he works, and who he truly is?  Yeah, well I can always tell when I'm making serious headway against his lies, or when I'm learning and understanding the truth about God, or about the devil, because he will throw anything he can at me to distract me.  Stuff like, phone call after phone call, or one of the kids breaking something, or one of them getting hurt.  Or things like, the dishwasher springing a leak, the washer leaking, a pipe breaking, power outages, sneezing fits, kinking my neck and getting a migraine.

It happens every time I start making a real break-through and begin to really get what truth that God is showing me.  And it doesn't matter whether it is God's truth about Himself, me, someone I care about, a situation that I'm dealing with, or revealing one of the devil's lies, it happens, those distractions.

And that's something that God has been working hard to teach me, to make me realize just how the devil works.  And I know why too, because when I know and understand, then it takes the devil's ability to succeed away.  Isn't that true of a lot of a lot of things?  Once you know the truth, they no longer the have power to interfere, scare, control or hold you back?

And I must have been reaching someone who really needed to hear the truth about God, or the devil, because every time I started to share something new with you all the distractions would start.  But now that I finally took a step back and caught on to it again, sometimes it will take me a little bit - I'm still learning myself, I'm determined and I have my mind set that I'm going to share with you what I have been taught, no matter what!!!  The devil can come against me with distractions and such, I'm going to share with you everything that God has taught me about who the devil really is and how he works so that you can know the truth too.

And why?  Because it is freeing, and empowering.  And because, contrary to what Legalistic Religion wants you to believe, God does want us to be empowered.  After all, can you really have a good, healthy and fulfilling relationship with someone if only one person has all the power and all the truth?
Think about it.

Until next time . . .

Stay safe.

Love ya! 

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