Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Shhhhh! Don't tell!

Good Morning!  How are you today?  I hope you're enjoying your day.  Me?  Well, I guess I can't complain, I have my coffee.. . . . . and an argument going on outside my window between a squirrel and a bird.  I'm not exactly sure who's winning, all I can tell is that it's a pretty heated argument. lol

I'm going to tell you a secret.  Did you know that the devil isn't after your soul?  I know, I know, religion says that he is, and that his goal is to have all of our souls in hell with him.  That it is a whole battle thing between he and God, kind of like one of those window decals for trucks you'd see that said, "He who dies with the most toys wins!"  Except in this case it would be, "He who has the most souls at the end of the world wins."

Shhhhh!  Don't tell religion, but that's all wrong.

When we die, we're not of any use to him anymore.  We're just clutter, kind of like junk mail, it just takes up space.  The only good thing about junk mail is giving it to our little ones so that they can play with it and pretend that they got mail too.   Just like the only use the devil has for our souls is to give to his minions to play with.

We're of more use to him while we're still alive because then he can mess with us and torture us to try to steal our faith.  He'll also use us to steal another person's faith.  He'll use anything to keep us from finding God, or reaching out to God.  Because his whole goal is to spite God and keep God from having what He truly wants, and that is a relationship with us, and we're just the tools for him to try to hurt God.

The devil will throw everything he can at you to keep you from believing.  He will even start from the moment you are born.

He will throw people into your life who will abandon you, abuse you physically, emotionally, or sexually, all those things that will make you believe that you are unlovable and undesirable.

He will set you up for failure in every way he can.  He will throw situations at you that he knows you can't succeed at; like, pulling bad grades at school, unable to get a promotion at work, unable to lose that weight or stick with an exercise plan.  Plus he'll throw not being able to have a successful relationship with another human being, or being unable to get pregnant, losing your income, losing your house, or even your beloved pet at you, anything to keep you in turmoil and emotionally stirred up.

He will trip you and cause you to fall into an addiction.  He already knows you have the gene that makes you vulnerable and so he will trick you into believing you can control it, when he knows you can't.  Then he will constantly put you in the situations that cause you to be tempted over and over again till you are so addicted that you've lost everything that mattered to you.  It doesn't matter whether it's drugs, even prescription or over-the-counter ones, or alcohol, gambling, and even sex.

And all of these things cause you to believe that you are not good enough for God to love, forgive or help.

But the truth is . . . . God's been with you since the moment you were conceived.  He KNOWS everything that the devil has thrown at you to get between you and God.  He KNOWS the truth behind all of your decisions and actions, why you do and have done what you have.  He KNOWS the TRUTH about your worth to Him, and He's waiting eagerly to teach you, show you how He sees you.

I know this, because the devil pulled several of his tricks on me as I was growing up, especially after I went to the alter and asked God to be in my life and heart.  The devil really tried hard to keep me believing that I couldn't be loved, even by God.  And there are times that garbage still gets in the road, sometimes, though they are getting fewer and further between.

To God, you are lovable simply because you're His child, just like we love our children regardless. And the next time, I'll share one of the times that God showed me how this is true.  

In the mean-time, stay safe!

Love ya!

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