Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The New Track . . .

Good Afternoon!!  How has your day been?  We've been like a lot of the country, just waiting to see which Meteorologist is correct.  I agree with my daughter when she said that it would be nice if at least two of them would say the same thing about the weather.

Which leads me to think that it's not a science after all.

If  you've been keeping up on my posts the last few days, or period, you've probably noticed that my writing has taken a different track from the usual.  It's taken more of a spiritual turn.  And before I go any further, I want to clarify some things.

The first thing is something that I have said before, I will NEVER FORCE anyone to believe what I believe.  I will NEVER FORCE my faith on anyone!  Christ never did, and I won't.  When I write about something spiritual, it's usually because God either taught me something, (or as in a few cases I finally caught on to what He'd been trying to show me for a while - one time it took 2 years) or He's answered a prayer.

When those things happen, for me it's the equivalent of one of you getting a promotion, getting engaged, finding out that you're pregnant after trying forever, or some life-changing event.  So, just like you, I want to share it with the world, because when you share good news, it only gets bigger and better.

So, I'm not preaching, or beating you over the head, or trying to force you to believe, I'm just sharing something wonderful that happened to me.

The second thing is, I'm NOT RELIGIOUS!  There's a big difference between religious and faithful.  I have a very deep and unshakable faith, and have had it since I was a child.  I LOVE God, don't know why, He's just always been where I find my hope and joy. 

I don't read and memorize the Bible, I STUDY it.  And when I study it, I read different versions, I look words up in the dictionary, I research the author and period of each book.  I also research the country, language and customs at the time that each book in the Bible was written.  I've even researched the who's, whats, whys, hows and wheres behind each translation of the Bible.  I also read the surrounding verses of the particular scripture that I'm studying to make sure that it's being taken in context (you'd be surprised to find out how many scriptures are actually taken out of context.)

So, my posts are going to be taking a different track for a while, because God has been teaching and showing me things that have freed me from a lot of guilt and condemnation.  And the relief, joy and excitement I feel is just bursting to get out.

So, I'm hoping you'll keep "tuning in" to share in my excitement and joy.  And all I'm asking is that you be happy for me. 

Stay warm and safe.

Love ya!

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