Saturday, May 2, 2015

Blown Away . . . Again

Good Morning! Hope this finds you having a good day.  I've got my cup of coffee and my little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel laying next to me with her head in my lap.  Yep, we have a giant of a dog whose half Bloodhound and Great Pyrenees, but looks like a Coon hound with giantism.  She's 115 pounds of cuddle baby.  Then we have a twelve pound Cavalier.  Can you guess which one rules the roost?  LOL

I have to share something that happened yesterday, that even with all of my experiences with God, I'm still blown away!  You would think by now, I'd be used to it, but when He does stuff like this it never ceases to amaze me.  Seriously.

I've got some things going on in my life that I just can't figure out and I'm really struggling to get a handle on. So, yesterday, I prayed on them.  I've prayed before, but this time I truly let go of the whole "doing it myself" mindset and asked God to show/teach me what I need to do, or guide me to someone who can.  I surrendered to God completely and told him that I can't do it on my own.  I surrendered every attempt that I had made to solve it on my own and that I was going to let Him have it and just trust Him to show me what to do.

And that's what He was waiting for, me to give up my plans, my trying to do it on my own and ask Him for help.  Kind of like how we parents will know our child is going about a problem the wrong way, but they're convinced they can do it, so we just sit back and wait for them to realize that their understanding of the issue is not what they thought and finally ask for help.  And sometimes it will just "kill" us as parents to do that, because we know we can't force our wisdom on them.  We can only sit back and wait.

That's how it is for God.  He has to sit back and wait because He gave up the ability to push His way into our lives when He gave us free-will.

I said my prayer yesterday morning at a little after 11AM.  And at 4:15PM exactly,  I received an email offer for a book and teaching series that I could buy that was about the problems I had just prayed about five hours earlier.

Seriously!  The exact problems I had finally surrendered to God just hours earlier.  LOL God couldn't have been anymore blatant!

I was blown away.

I was humbled that He would care so deeply about my problems, about me,  that He would be so blatant about what He wanted me to do to about them so that they could be taken care of the best way possible, and probably permanently.

But most of all, I was relieved to have an answer, a light at the end of the tunnel.

And I was crying like a child rescued by my parent.

Just had to share.

Till next time,

Stay safe.

Love ya!